By Matt Perez
Radical is the name we gave to one alternative to the Fiat system. In this case it Radical refers to the roots of its governance systems. You can read how it came up and how it developed in  ∇ Radical Companies and in  ∇ Radical in Detail you can read the answers to questions that have come up and some that we made up to make it more understandable.
The renoun author, Ursula Le Guin said,
We live in Capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. But so did the divine rights of Kings.
I would change it to,
We live in the Fiat system. Its power seems inescapable. But so did the divine rights of Kings and Queens.
Fiat is bigger than capitalism. Actually, Fiat is orthogonal to capitalism.
There are businesses that need to buy equipment and materials before they can ship their first product. Capital is needed for that. In the good old days shares of the businesses were given in exchange for capital. In the 21th Century individuals can issue capital as a loan. And like all loans they would have a fixed gain, whereas shares are a ‘forever gain.’
Matt Perez, Adrian Perez, Jose Leal. This book will make you question much of what you have learned to accept as normal so you can help create a sustainable future that works better for all of us. Radical Companies (Amazon).
Matt Perez, Adrian Perez. You are about to learn about an alternative way, where traditional boundaries crumble. In the world of Radical it is up to you to open the floodgates to opportunities. Here, the conventional is reimagined, and innovation thrives on a different kind of risk-taking. Radical in Detail (Amazon).