By Matt Perez
The Judeo-Christian religions weren't wrong, but they can still be Partners to Radical model. They just didn't go deep enough. They stopped at the unknown and called it a bunch of names including the soul.
These religions didn't pop out of nothing. My the Jewish religion was heavily ifluenced by the Zoroastrian religion
founded by Zarathustra, a Persian priest turned profet).</p>
founded by Zarathustra, a Persian priest turned profet. Zarathustra wanted to set polytheistic (decentralized) religions straight with a single boss God at the top (centralized) named Ahura Mazda.
The Hebrews later added a written script, started Christianity, and globally kicked off what we know as the Fiat system.
My wife and some friends formed a book club. The latest book is Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly. The subtitle, A Handbook for the Rest of Your Life, was the first hint that it was mostly mystical and very authoritarian. The author, Mr kelly, had his “awakening” when he was 15 years old and has been caught in this particular story ever since.
However, as I browsed the pages, it reminded me of the Radical Systemn.
In the Awakening sectiom he starts with,
As I read this I was shaking my head in agreement. Mr Kelly called these lines ‘sacred truths.’ The curious thing is that these quesions are key to Radical.
“You are not malfunctioning,” Mr kelly says, “your intuition has nveer been so sharp.” Indeed.
What is missing is going donw to the root of the reason and what to do about it and making what is now a mistake and assigning it to the supernatural.
This is an observation, not a criticism. More to the point it is the basis of my apology.
What is missing is the ability to say no to tedium and yes to ‘I have more to offer.”
What the authors of the Bible, and Mr Kelly, meant by “the soul” is the sum of everything they did not know. In 2024 we know more about the body and the mind, there is no need for mysticism. Unless you are 15 years old or in the Iron Age.
Later on in the book he asks “What is progress?” andf he asnwers, “Preserving the well-being of human beings.” He understands the problem well. That tells me he understands the challenge well.
When it comes to the answers, the only time he mentions “collaboration” is to say “collaborate with God.&rdquo
When it comes tp people he keeps repeating “Holy Moments.” as revelations from the christian god. Mysticism might have been unavoidable in the Iron Age, but now is inexcusable today.
In any case, it sound like christians are looking for the same things as the Radical model. They could be our partners.
Well, not all “Christians.“ Gentle authotiarians, like Mr Kelly, want to tell you what to pay attention to and what to ignore. Only they know what is important and true.
Radical and christians want a more equitable world. They want our world to be people-centric, not money-centric. They want to take care of each other. They want to make our own choices and to discover more of the world.
Unfortunately some christians also want all of us to believe in the same mysticism they believe in.