Timothy Kaczynski: Facing Ourselves

By Matt Perez

Timothy Kaczynski may not speak the Radical language, yet, but he’s very much aligned with it.

Surprised (Again)

Timothy is the third military guest we have. I am sure, but that seems to be significant. I should say, ex-military because now he is a consultant to the military.

Obviously, co-ownership does not work in the military where the Fiat hierarchy owns everything. So, he is focused on changing culture, xxx, and technology. As he said, changing just the technology is not long-lasting, for that you need to also change the culture and xxx.

That is the same approach that David Marquet, a submarine Captain, took and it worked wonders. The crew was the wors in the Navy when he took over waiting to get their tour done and out of the military. By the time he left, everybody who could re-enlisted and many have moved up the ranks.

Timothy understand that you must have a different organization in order to fully embrace your work. You need to trust your peers (belonging) and together find meaning in your work, the work that you are doing together. He also emphasized the need to disclose everything about the assigned project, not just a sketch of the expected result (transparency).

He mentioned ‘short toes’ and then he explained that when you are working with others there is no such thing as ‘stepping on toes’ (decentralization).

As Jose said, Timothy may not speak the Radical language, but he’s very much aligned with it.

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