Leo Rayman: Grow and Avoid Green-Washing

By Matt Perez

We are currently facing the biggest social, economic, and cultural opportunity of our lifetimes.


According to our guest, Leo Rayman, We are currently facing the biggest social, economic, and cultural opportunity of our lifetimes ∇ . We have a chance to regenerative world instead of the one we’ve created, the one that is eating itself.

Leo was a marketeer, but he made a career changing decision to show businesses how to become truly sustainable. He works with big businesses, but he has more hope for smaller ones who can learn to be good to our life support system and grow faster.

I believe that truly sustainable businesses will differentiate themselves and thrive. Many with stick to the ways.

AIR? What’s That?

The world view that we grew up with, and we live, in is so encompassing that as to be invisible. It’s like talking to fish about water, or to us people about air,

Some 2,500 years ago, the ancient Greeks identified air

International Historic Chemical Landmark ∇ 

This means that we went for thousands of year without noticing air.

FIAT? What’s That?

We don’t have a label for the system we live in, so we called it , Because I say so, with an implied threat, or else,


Alternatives to non- systems have not been implemented, yet, but they will. The first step is to be aware of it, to see it, ∇ 


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