Feelings Are Not Enough

By Matt Perez

My feelings are never reflected in the world, my relationships are. I can relate to the world outside my head only through my relationships.


Your feelings are never reflected in the world, your relationships are. You can relate to the world outside your head only through your relationships. Relationships with people. Sometimes via paintings, sculptures, or the written word, , but ultimately with people. That is how you get out of your head, that is what guides your actions.

Selective Listening

Of all the things that you say and do, people will select what resonate with them, what brings up feelings in them. The relationship is based on what you say and what they hear. The stuff in the middle is what the relationship is based on.

Relationships make your feelings meaningful to the world. They reshape your feelings. They make them bigger or narrower. They change your ideology: it gets broader and more encompassing or narrower and more provincial.

This changes the way you perceive; it may make you more open, or more fearful and defensive. They influence people’s drive to belong to this group or that.

Relationships Gone bad

Without ongoing communications, a relationship turns into betrayal and disloyalty later. They are Fiat concepts and only make sense in a Fiat environment. In a Radical environment it usually is an indication of lack of ongoing communication or the introduction of force. Usually, you are forced to stay with the group even when it is not working for you. That is where cults come from, and the force an ideology, sometimes posing as a religion. We want to collaborate and contribute to a common cause and we end cooperating and going along with the power leader to work for his own cause.


Drama is not feelings. I am feeling so bad, May God forgive me, Now is the best time because the moon is aligned with…. All that is force posing as drama.

Drama is put out there as a trap for you to fall into, it is a form of force for you to fall for. Drama can also be an expression of the trap you are in, I can never do this right, I am not good at math. This type of drama is not an expression of feelings, it doesn’t lead to a healthy relationship.

Drama is a force, from mild to suffocating. The only “relationship” is one of dominance over people who fall in their drama trap.

Beware that it may all be in your head; you may have fallen in your own trap. My baby doggy wants me to lay down with him.


Feelings are not enough, they must lead to a relationship, they must anchor it. The relationship must be nurtured with communication and love, not force. Then, and only then, do your feelings become meaningful to others.

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