Sparked by Greed (E02)

By Matt Perez

Developed with good intentions, the formula had been a money-maker for years. But it wasn’t enough.

They Came

People started to show up for David. Surprisingly, some don't want to do through the Relationship Stories, it was too woo-woo for them. Interestingly, the more junior, the more excited.
Some worried about nepotism.
What about Thúy?
Well, she is your wife and will side with you more often than not.
You are married, right?…
Yes, I am, but it is not only that, she'll be deciding on salaries and bonus and stuff and she would have an ax to grind when it comes to you.
Bruno, you are very smart. Think. Salaries and anything to do with money is based on RADs, right? And who gives me RADs? She doesn’t, you guys do. If I get more than anybody else one month it must be because I did something really good… that a lot of people saw as a contribution. Right?
Besides, it is all out in the open and if there’s some hanky-panky, you will bring it up, right?
Yes. I get it in my head, but it is hard to shake the concerns…
Then don’t. Just be open to their being fears that don’t play here.
And bonuses, too. I get it.
Well, they are not ’bonuses‘, you’ve earned them. You contributed, people acknowledged those contributions, and you get Earned Dividends. The kind of stuff that owners put in their pockets in normal business.

And They Surprised

The most surprising thing was when, Siri wanted to talk. I assume that it was to gloat about something that she had found or to deliver and not-so-veiled threat. But, no, Siri wanted to join us. And I literally fell off my chair.
Siri, to be honest, I am surprised, but, please, come by.
Well, it is not that easy for me. I don't want to be seen showing up at your place.
There is no need. We can do it online.
It would have to be early. I don’t want to take the day off.
I may not be it, but you can go through the whole thing with one of the other folks.
Wait… Are you dissing me?
No, Siri I am not dissing you. Would you like me to explain?
Look, Davey, I am not desperate or anything. I just want to talk to see if everything I hear is true and it has to come from you, because you are the big guy.
Let’s do this, I will go through the whole thing with you and then you can decide what to do.
I hope you won’t raised your voice at me like when you worked here.
I hope I won’t.

A Real Cornucopia for Health

Because the all-sacred-margin was not as high priority as in regime.
Not having to maintain a veil secrecy, took a huge weight off our shoulders. There was no way to prove it, but transparency made everybody more productive. And happier.

Fear Has Us

I am tired of being afraid, seeing how the Fiat model works has exposed the fears and has made all the difference.
Well, that may be the beginning, but it is not the end of the hold that fear has on us. That became obvious over time as people expressed many of their fears, including toxic colleagues…
How are we going to deal with bullies, underminders, and slackers. What about gossip mongers and the over-controlling colleagues. Are they going to be co-owners, too?
Well, if they contribute and somebody acknowledges their contribution, then they get RADs and they are co-owners.
As to the rest of it, how would you deal with these types of folks?
Should we have rules to prevent that?
And who would enforce those rules. Are we using force to make sure those rules are followed?
Well, no… We don’t want to use force, but we have to be ready for them.
There is a mechanism to address these kinds of problem and it’s right in your RADs! app.
You mean the button for We need to talk?
I think that’s where it starts, yes.
Yeah, but that is a difficult conversation and I wouldn’t know where to start.
There are many people who can give you some tips…
Yes, you are right. Ask. Learn. Shit, this is so simple and we make things so complicated…
That is what we learned to do, make things very complicated. And fear hides behind those complications.
But I am not afraid…
Yet, you are letting your fears speak for you.
He went quiet for a bit. Then he said,
I think I am going to talk to Anita about how to start this conversation without letting it turn into a fight.

Myth Is Fear

Hey, Dave, what should we work on next?
I have no idea.
Well, you are the main inventor here and we were hoping you spilled some of your secret sauce on us.
You don't have any secret sauce of your own?
Well, maybe, but not really. Not compared to yours.
Then I think you should go to the sea or the mountain or wherever it is that makes secret sauce space for you.
You don’t have to take it so seriously…
Why, you weren’t serious when you categorized yourself as a second-class co-owner? Or maybe it was when you surrendered responsibility for what to do next? Which of those were not serious?
I didn’t say any of that.
But you implied it. When you said that I was the main inventor, you put yourself down as a lesser inventor. Then you said that you weren’t as good when compared to me, you were were offering for me to tell you what to do to avoid responsibility.
You, and Mike, and Steve. You are co-owners of what we are doing. The whole thing. If your secret sauce could be made better, other co-owners will offer their own ideas. Imagine that: people being inspired by your secret saud and adding to it. Whoa! In the end, it is up to you folks to take their advice or not.
It is a myth, isn’t it? The whole thing about the lead inventor and all that. But we are so used to it… And we compete for it by not pointing out the weaknesses or what can be done better, easier.
Here we can, but we keep on going back to our… our…
Yes. I don’t want to say that they have an inviolable hold over us, but they kind of do.
Look at your fears. Rather than saying that you are not afraid of anything, look for the fear that is hiding behind that. If you can’t do it by yourself, get other people to help you. Don’t give in to the I can do it by myself fear. Seek others to learn from and to help you. Be open to the receive love from people you don’t know.
Got it. Sorry I pushed your buttons once too many time.
Actually, I am the one who is sorry. I need to be more Socratic and not give in to what Thúy calls ‘the boss’ in me. You have helped me.

A Spy

Zuri wrote an email coming out as a spy and sent it to everybody. It ended with, Are there other spies reading this? That created enough confusion that she then send a follow up email, I didn’t mean to imply that there are more spies lurking among us. I just wanted to encourage others, if there was any, to come out. It seems I was the only one.

The emails were remarkable in one way, and non-remarkable in many other ways.

Why would you need to be a spy when everything is out in the open?

People suspected that this was more of a cult and it wasn’t as sunny as all that. As it turned out, there was nothing to report other than what they new and what they could see. In the meantime, this company was well fit, excuse me, aligned with everything me.

By the way, this started right after Siri joined us. They thought they had golden cuffs on her, and they could not understand why she’d leave all that money behind. They could not understand that there were other things besides money that she would value and made her happy. They asked her to come back and she reported that she was happy, doing the work she loved, and didn’t have to deal with bureaucracy. David, she said, was pompous as always, but it didn’t matter because he could not get in her way or stop her as he had done before. He was a co-owner, she was a co-owner, and they listened to each other. If anybody followed her, she would go ahead, but if nobody followed you wanted to find out why. She had learned tons that way and she found herself growing into a better person, and her family noticed, too.

So, there weren’t any other spies, eh?

Not really. A couple of people told me that they had come to find out about the ‘real’ rHEALTH but found nothing, except it was a different place and a different community. They stayed because of what they found here.

Anne Shelly Does Fine

Against the expectations many had, competitors didn’t know how to react to the price ‘competition’. Many ended up folding when they could not get the profits they expected. Others changed accepted lower profit levels for their investors and slowly changed their way.
At one point, BANNERS started to show up for investing in new companies. Thúy and Alda, the other financial person in the company, did a lot of workshops to teach would be founders the mechanics of investing.
Many of the new companies stayed ensembled with rHealth because they did related work, but a few others went on their own, including one that went into space. They didn’t make rockets or any such, but they wanted people going to space to stay healthy, both in on and off planet Earth. It seemed that the science was different enough.
The amazing point is that people were investing in other Radical companies. Investing had become easy. They didn’t want to accumulate capital, they wanted to be part of creating things for all people. And that… that was more powerful.
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