By Matt Perez

A simple system to recognize contributions that others have made to me, to my team, or to my company.

Recognition is a form of reflection, not introspection.

Chad Kautzer. Radical Philosophy, p 36.


A simple system to recognize contributions that others have made to me, to my team, or to my company.

Making It Viral

Adding a non-RADs! person to my list will automatically generate an email to 1) let her know she’s been added to my list, and 2) invite her to download the app and start to give out RADs. This app will strengthen the users/co-owners as it spreads organically to other users/co-owners.

Those who chose to not use the app—and therefore chose not to give RADs—will still receive them.


The system supports a periodic distribution cycle. People may get together and hold Distribution at different times. In other words, there is no “correct” or “corporate” cycle time that will apply to all. People can even switch from one cycle time to another as they wish.

At the end of a RAD Distribution, after all RADs have been allocated, a Global RESET command is broadcast to all people associated with a specific cycle time. For example, all the “full moon” people get together outside, under a full moon, allocate their RADs, have their retrospectives, along with food and drink and dance and whatever else they choose to do. At the end of it, their allocations are reset to the baseline.

Also Supports

Explicit Profile</th>
Adding people Name, picture, miscellaneous data. This can be done manually or through integration with other software.
Adding Banners Drilling down for details by double tapping on a person.

The usual,

  • name, picture, etc.
  • Summaries: RADs received and given, total RADs, etc.


What for? A tool for remembering and keeping affine groups connected
Why? To support RAD Distributions.

There is no hard criteria for this and could be any kind of contribution, whatever the user considers a valuable contribution (e.g., number of checkins, a significant conversation).

  • Keep track of people and Banners who are candidates for getting RADs.
  • Keep track of people you need to give feedback to.
  • Send your distribution at the end of the month.


RADs! and Remark! will eventually share a backend. They will run on iOS, Android, Web.


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