
By Matt Perez

A space where teams and people can grow.


rNextBright is a code school, a freedom indoctrination hall. It’s getting hooked on dignity.

As sports farms are incubators for sports players, rNextBright is an incubator for people to learn their craft working alongside mentors.


What for? A world populated by healthy people who know how to contribute to themselves, their communities, and their world.
Why? rNextBright has partnered with three tech companies (i.e., many of which have their own rPlayGym).
What? Discover an effective accelerated, bootcamp-style learning and experiment to create a support network of people and services for rNextBright graduates.
When? Within 12 months.
How? Discover an effective accelerated, bootcamp-style learning and experiment to create a support network of people and services for rNextBright graduates.

Operational Goals

  • Make it free or very inexpensive for students.
  • Pay students a stipend to cover living expenses.
  • Make it very attractive to employers.1
  • Give preference to co-managed businesses and RADICAL companies.

Origin Story

The inspiration comes straight from our experience of the Nearsoft Academy project and from watching Beetroot, a Ukrainian company, at work. People enter the program with little programming experience, not used to working in a team, and poor communication skills. They come out of it with developed skills in all those areas.

How It Works

Graduates can choose to join a legacy company, a self-managed company, or a Radical company (e.g., an rHintersoft instance).

  • Like StackOverflow, but live
  • Mentors help Mentees
  • Mentors Pair with Mentees
  • Mentors (will likely) get RADs from Mentees.
Personal Branding
  • Personal Brand Story development
  • CV preparation
  • Professional breadcrumbs (e.g. StackOverflow footprint, GitHub footprint).
Interview Shine
  • Interview Gauntlet
  • Stupid interview questions
  • Untrained interviewers
  • Using your Personal Brand Story
English Bootcamp
  • Conversational skills
  • Reading skills
  • Writing skills

Programs for Employers

Integrate employers into the program and create opportunities for them to participate as early as possible in the process. They are the beneficiaries of making this happen.

  • Employers: employer developers mentor the less experienced.
  • Traditional vs RNextbright Sourcing – Hire graduates for a a percentage of salary vs hire them for less by prepaying for N hires. Requires an in-depth Kickoff.
  • Either of above, but with discounts/credits for participating in the training (mentorship).

Employer Opportunities

  • Participate as instructors.
  • Participate as guest lecturers.
  • Participate as Mentors.
  • Co-learning Buddies (i.e., not full-mentors, but will show/Pair on a particular technique).


Participation requirements.

  • Training/consulting to make themselves ready for the new recruits.
  • How to be a mentor and not suck at it.
  • Formalizing a training regime for their own folks (to raise the software’s dev community skill level, in general).


Virtual, with regular IRL socializing opportunities. The latter can be done in partnership with co-working spaces, at a client’s premise, etc.

Revenue, Scholarships

Potential paying Clients,

  • US and Mexican software product companies
  • US and Mexican IT shops (?)
  • US-centric software development services, like Nearsoft, Tiempo, etc.
  • Central and South America software product and services

In other words, anybody who needs to hire developers but, preferably, software product companies or software development shops that work with those companies (e.g., Nearsoft).

Other Funding for Students

There are several models in the wild,

  • Totally based on donations.
  • No money up front, but some % of salary once a student starts to work in the area (most popular).
  • Time-boxed Investments (RADICAL).
  • Employer Scholarships can be used to defray program costs for needy students.
  • A portion of the fee paid by employers is used to reimburse graduates for some or all of the fees they paid.

Crowdfunding platform,

Possibly, work with foundations (e.g., Fundación Esposos Rodríguez, in Sonora, Mexico).

Possible Allies


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